Contact me via the comment sections of this site, or directly at cllalteranatives @ Â If you would like to talk, email your phone number to me. Â (It’s easier to organize an email than a phone call.)
Hello, where can I purchase laetrile? recently diagnosed with cll.
Hi Denise
First let me say, you are an inspiration to all of us CLLers who continue to try to navigate our way around this unwanted diagnosis, and who prefer an alternative direction than allopathic. The human body is such a complicated machine, and i feel the homeopaths, naturopaths, TCM etc are very valuable to the health system. I have had cll for 3 years (Probably 4, but 3 officially from diagnosis) Initially my WBC were around the 14, steadily climbed and held fast around 38, dropped to 35, holding steady for quite a while but have shockingly gone up to 58 in the last six month span I had some invasive dental work during that time, extraction with a bone graft which is the prepping for an implant. Do you have any thoughts on implants as I’m aware the whole dental area can complicate and interfere with health in many ways. I’m really on the fence whether to follow through with it or not, right now I’m just waiting for the bone graft to heal. The only other thing i did during that time was add collagen from grass fed beef by Orgain, to my regime. I questioned if this would have any effect on increasing my WBC. I noticed in a much earlier post, that another gentleman also took collagen, the same one, bulletproof. This whole figuring out and maintenance gets very confusing! I am gluten free, sugar free and pretty much dairy free. I limit any dairy i have, which is negligible, to goat such as goat sour cream or goat cheese. Along with the diet, i exercise – weight training, and i have hobbies that i love, still entertain with friends etc… I just ordered some maitake d-fraction after reading “chrisbeatcancer” and i see you also include mushrooms in your regime. Im anxious to add these to my daily routine, just waiting for them to arrive. I wish you well, really we are blessed that we have the luxury of trying to figure this process out – many don’t. So in one way I feel lucky that i have this manageable CLL – there are so many worse things in this world, that in the grand scheme of things, it really is ok. We just manage it – l myself treat it the same way i believe diabetics would manage their issue. …Ok I’m rambling… lol…thank you for ALL the posts – this is a wonderful tool for many of us. Take care, and keep smiling 🙂
Hi Chip,
Despite what you think, this was actually an excellent blood test. You are stable. Woohoo! While we all want a reversal (and we CAN achieve it, with time and a lot of change and work!), being stable is wonderful! Eventually, the goal is to feel very safe when there has been pretty much no change in your markers, and the doctor is not discussing treatment. You are home free! As they say, “keep doing what you’re doing.” I would add, “keep researching and trying new modalities (supplements, etc.), and keep testing your blood.”
In answer to your question, we all look first at the WBC and the absolute Lymphocyte count. After all, this IS chronic Lymphocytic leukemia. My conventional doctor told me years ago that they don’t think of treatment till you’re hovering around 100 WBC or Lymph. Even then, with no debilitating symptoms, they could hold off.
However. However! You are working on maintaining this stability or possibly reversing. This means you can continue living your normal life, albeit with some Chinese mushrooms, and other items you might test out. It’s my personal goal to hold this off indefinitely. So for, that’s been working for me.
Again, I want to recommend two books: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Nasha Winters, and Tripping Over the Truth by (can’t remember his name, but the title is unique enough). These books, in different ways, explain that cancer is a metabolic disease. This means that when we eat properly, we nourish our healthy cells, and starve the cancer. I’ve been doing this for years, well before reading these books.
Please scroll around this site, and consider reading these books. There is also a great link here to an article about this on
Life is good! Make these changes and you have years and years ahead of you!
Please do not be discouraged! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!!!
All best, Denise
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I did read the first
book you mention many months back when I found your site.
I used your supplements list as a starter back then so much of
what you are taking we have in common except for nettle. Nettle
and I don’t get along for some reason. I always test Herbs one
at a time to see how I will react to them.
Again Thanks! Chip
Hi Denise,
I got the results from my late August blood tests and WBC went up slightly to 27.7 from 26.7 (last test) still critically high
and RBC went down from 3.3 to 3. Second independent laboratory confirmed CLL diagnosis. They even included microscope
pictures. Change is slight enough to be in noise so test could be interpreted as no change. Not what I was hopping to see
but maybe things just need more time. I am going to add a blend of seven Chinese mushrooms to my diet and I am researching
some other possibilities as well. Which blood markers do you consider the most important to watch?
Best, Chip
Hi Denise,
When you go out for lunch or dinner do you take the full complement
of supplements with you so as not to miss, or take them at a later
Best, Chip
Hi Denise, I am a 70 year male living NZ diagnosed CLL 2008. Two months back I started on a voluntary trial of BGB-311. My WBC spiked recently because of the BGB-311, the trial staff in formed me this would happen. Am due for for Blood tests tomorrow then have my regular monthly appointment tuesday with the doctors to discuss progress.
Hi Denise,
Found a very good list of papers abstracts which substantiate our use of natural substances to treat CLL. Also good starting place for those who wish to understand all of the research available.
Find at —
Best, Chip
Hi Denise,
I found a very interesting book which is a free download.
Could have something to add for all of us.
Find at —
Best, Chip
Yes Turmeric has a high level of oxalates however it depends on the formulation you buy. The one with all 95% Curcumonoids extracts is very low in oxalates. You have to check them out because some formulation are parts of the hole herb and part extract. You want all
extract. I am still researching the Sweet Wormwood and will update
my findings at a later date.
Best, Chip
Hi Denise,
Followed up on your suggestion to review the rest of your site.
I thank you again for gathering together and reporting all of these
excellent suggestions. I am trying now to follow them. I am trying
more Curcumin then what you take 1ooomg at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Will test in August and see what effect it has on my numbers.
While researching I found Sweet Wormwood is good for cancer. Have
you considered it?
The amount of Curcumin you are taking looks low compared to
what is known to be effective. Have you considered increasing?
Have you considered using Essiac tea?
Best, Chip
I’m just checking how you are doing. I have had CLL for 8 years and had chemo. I haven’t achieved remission but am stable. I’m sorry I didn’t know of you earlier. Where do I start?
hi – here are a few questions:
-do you use the EWG website (environmental working group)
-holistic or alternative oncologist in Florida?
-clothing – bamboo or organic?
-bedding – same quesiton
-skin care/makeup brands?
-“safe” pest control – indoor –
-how do you cook chicken and fish?
-do you buy grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish?
Hi Denise:
So, do you believe that regular roasting or baking of foods over 300 degrees is harmful? If so, how?
Hi Denise: I am living with CLL now for 11.5 years and just love your stuff!! I am reading in hopes to continue to stay healthy living with this. Please let me know you have received this
Hi Denise,
I found your blog while searching for alternative treatments and proper diet for CLL. I was diagnosed with Stage 0 CLL in the Spring 2017. The Hemotologist is tracking my low platelet count of 97, 96 and it was 86 today. If it gets any lower, he wants to begin Immunotherapy, which I am opposed to — but I still have a lot to learn. I’m interested in seeing an Integrative Hemotologist to learn more alternative means of dealing with this. What is your opinion. please? Thank you for sharing your experiences to help others!
Hi Denise:
I am so grateful to you for all of your good advice for those of us who often feel lost. I was diagnosed over a year and a half ago. I’ve been taking many of the supplements that not only you recommend but have incorporated a few from Chris (Chris Beat Cancer) too. I’ve been in stage 0, however my recent blood work showed an increase in my WBC from 22.6 to 27.9. My lymphocyte absolute increased as well from 16.90 to 17.58. My platelet count went from 217 to 223 (within range). My oncologist told me in April that my numbers were “relatively stable.” He scheduled my blood test for every three months. I just had my blood work done last week and the results are reflected in my previous comments (April vs. July). I just got a letter from him and he now wants me to have another blood test run in eight weeks because of “atypical lymphocytes” (0.56).
I recently had what appeared to be a boil under my breast and treated it with warm compresses and tea tree oil. It has since gone down and no longer appears to be inflamed. I believe it may have contributed to the increase in my WBC. Do you agree? I read an article that drinking low fat milk and adding 1 tsp. of numeric is helpful for atypical lymphocytes.. I only drink Almond milk and if I were to drink regular milk for this suggestion, it’d have to be grass-fed, matured raised cow milk. Any suggestions? Also, where can I find low-dose naltrexone?
So glad I found your site! I am 39 years old and was just recently diagnosed with CLL after having a biopsy of a swollen lymph node. I joined an online support group and all they talked about were drugs and chemo. I believe if the body made it, it can heal it! I’ve been doing quite a bit of research on this. Green tea and tumeric is good to check out, ginger,and a raw vegan diet is also recommended. Thank you for this amazing site!
Hi Denise!
I’ve read in your blog that you have self-reversed your CLL and it now seems to be in a remission state. I can’t believe it.
Would you give me a quick guide (just about 7/8 points) on what you do daily to achieve this? (as to tell my mother to try your approach).
In this case I don’t know if it will be possible to attain remission since my mother is in a stage were doctors have already adviced 1st treatment with I think it was Rituximab.
I’d really love hearing from you and also some advice on how to convince my mom on trying alternative since she seems obsessed with “traditional” medicine and denies any other thing.
Thank you and Best Regards,
I wanted to thank-you for giving me some hope. I am a 45 year old man living in Canada. I was diaganosised last week and to be honest I`m still in shock. I have a young child so I worry about the future. The doctor stated that I was at stage 0 and he gave me 10 years to live. But what he didn`t give me was any support for the emotionally shock nor any advice like your site for nutrition and alternative approaches. It`s now been a week (well 2 months since my family doctor refered me on to a specialist).
I have a question about some of my symptoms. I`m not sure if this is stress related or not. I sometimes for hours feel dizzy and need to sit down. I also feel sick to my stomach. Are thses CLL related or more stress related and what are some strategies for this problem?
Could you provide more info on colostrum? I have read both good and bad about it. One site actually cautioned not to use if pregnant or have leukemia. Another site said it will increase your WBC.
You are taking LDN. My boyfriend started taking it for CLL five months ago. Have you had any results from it? You say you have been taking it since 2008.
EMF. Your story sounds like the woman on, who thinks EMF was the cause of her CLL.
But I can’t find any discussion on EMF on this site. Do you have an opinion on EMF?
Great site-it really helps to see your story of success and good health. I was just diagnosed in October and am in watch and wait. Do you mind sharing your prognostic markers if you know them? I am still unaware of mine, but have read that mutational status is a key predictor of disease progression. Do you know if you are mutated or unmated? Also, what is your zap 70 and cd 38 status? Aldo, do you take any other supplements besides d3? Thanks so much for your input. Brenda
July 14, 2023 at 5:07 pm
Hi Denise – i just came across your website today, July 14, 2023. Since I see no new posts since June 2020, I wonder if you are still alive. I too am a CLL survivor since 2001! I did have a website but after about 20 years of maintaining it I decided to convert most of the material into a book and delete the website. My main reason for writing is that I think that you could publish a book the same way. Here’s a link to my book if you are interested.
My Road to Healing: How I Ditched My Doctor’s Advice and Healed Myself of CLL 4th Stage Cancer.
July 17, 2023 at 1:45 pm
Hi Steve,
I’m alive and relatively well. Yes, I did get weary of maintaining the website, particularly because Facebook became the new way for CLL people to seek out alternatives. I tried maintaining a FB page, but was disheartened by the FB censorship over ridiculously safe suggestions regarding covid. So I stopped everything, but do keep in contact with a few of my “CLL Buddies” I developed over years of maintaining the site.
I did get your PM about your book and I did purchase it in ebook form, and I read through it. I do remember your story, and I’ve mentioned you in my website. Incidentally, maintaining a website and creating content for social media that points to your website is the way for people to find and buy your book. I’ve heard that even if your book repeats the same information, many will want to buy the book nonetheless to have all the information in their possession, in one place. I’m not sure I want to create a book.I’ve started the process a few times and gave it up. I’ve also written three mystery books and two poetry books, and oddly enough I have more success with the poetry — textbook publishers occasionally buy poems for their collections. It’s definitely not a living, but I enjoy it. I’m also working about 25 to 30 hours/week in our family business, so I’m booked up (there’s the matter of six grandkids local to me as well!)
I’ve been at this CLL thing since July 2001, so 22 years now. I’m still in stage zero, mostly from diet, exercise and a boatload of supplements, not to mention other lifestyle choices. Consider me a fan of your book. I admire the effort taken to put that all together and then put it into book form. I know it’s a lot of work. Are you having success marketing it? I know that it’s a tough slog for many. I wish you success. And more than that continued good health! – Denise
PS It took me a while to log onto this site to respond. Apologies for the delay…
July 30, 2023 at 10:25 am
Hi Steve. I had the same question. This is a valuable web site. I just ordered your book. I’m looking for alt doctors and web sites to help me fight cll. I’ve found 30 supplements online to help with cll. I wonder who has used what successfully. I also wonder how some herbs interact with each other. Some get my stomach and had to quit. If you get time to reply any pointers appreciated. Thanks Dan
July 31, 2023 at 3:32 pm
Hi Dan (and Steve),
I did answer you via email, but I will respond again here. About supplements upsetting your stomach, I’ve had lots of issues with this. If you’re supposed to take it on an empty stomach I give it a try. If it doesn’t work that way, I try it again with food. I’ve found that some supplements that want the empty stomach still work with a semi-full stomach. (In other words, have a snack, a piece of gluten-free bread or a few nuts and see what happens.) Let me know if you have more questions. All best, Denise