CLL Alternatives

Author Archive

Liposomal Vitamin C and CLL

Posted by: Denise on: July 15, 2014

Question: Have you heard of vitamin C treatment for CLL? Answer: I have suggestions for you as I’ve recently come across another product that just might help you. It’s liposomal vitamin C. So far, I’ve just started it myself and have no data to share with you as yet (although I have “herxed”with bone and […]

CLL Lymph Glands Swelling — Reason for Panic?

Posted by: Denise on: April 17, 2014

Question: I would like to know how your lymph glands react, if that’s ok. When I was first diagnosed there were no signs of enlarged glands, but on my last check up a few pea-sized enlargements were detected in my neck and right groin.  I did however come down with a pretty bad cold the […]

CLL and Supplements: Safety and Do They Work?

Posted by: Denise on: April 15, 2014

This is an answer to a recent email: Question: Do you take any supplements?  I get a little worried about these.  I was looking at the use of Beta Glucan to assist the immune system.  It looked really good until I linked it with Leukemia and then found it is not advisable for us to […]

CLL and Supplements

Posted by: Denise on: February 16, 2014

There is a concerted effort on the part of the FDA to put supplements into the same class of regulation as pharmaceutical drugs. This is a move to make it too expensive for the supplement companies to stay in business, which would then put us all in the loving hands of Big Pharmaceutical companies. Not […]

CLL Low Neutrophils ~ An Alternative that Works!

Posted by: Denise on: January 28, 2014

I’ve been using Peak Immune off and on now since 2011 and I have to tell you that it works! Yes, I still carry the CLL diagnosis, but… if your neutrophils dip into dangerous territory, which mine do without the help of Peak Immune, then you are a prime case for starting conventional therapy. A […]

Another CLL Success Story!

Posted by: Denise on: October 9, 2013

I apologize for not posting more often. Now and again I get emails asking if I’m still here–as in alive. Yes! I’m very much alive and relatively well. By relatively, I mostly mean my parents, both of whom are geriatric (82 and 87) and both of whom are ill (congestive heart failure and stroke) and […]

CLL Update August 29, 2012

Posted by: Denise on: August 29, 2012

There is a reason there are so few posts on this blog.  Initially I was positive that I could totally reverse my CLL diagnosis.  This hasn’t happened — yet.  My plan for this blog was to be an uplifting, upbeat place for people with CLL (newly diagnosed or those trucking along like me) to get […]

CLL Green Tea and Neem

Posted by: Denise on: October 7, 2011

It’s been a long time since I last posted.  There have been a lot of bumps on the road, and I haven’t felt much like it.  I’m still dealing with those bumps, that came in the form first of dangerously low neutrophils, (they’re still low, but not “dangerously”) and now, at my last visit, my […]

Apricot Seeds and CLL Leukemia

Posted by: Denise on: February 9, 2011

Part of my good health program started in 2007 when I started taking amygdalin pills from Mexico, alone with enzymes and other supplements. I was advised to also eat the apricot seeds — in addition to the pills. I tried this twice early on in 2007 and 2008. Both times I suffered severe stomach upset. For days.

CLL and Green Tea

Posted by: Denise on: January 31, 2011

Green tea is supposed to halt the progression of CLL and, in some cases, improve symptoms.