Posted by: Denise on: January 25, 2017
I recently was emailed a request to update my CLL supplement list. My list of supplements is long, but not everything I take is because of CLL. I’m 61 (and a half), so like most people, I have other issues as well. I will therefore give a reason for each supplement I take. The first […]
Posted by: Denise on: November 20, 2015
This is a guest post by Eric Clark, a Canadian who was diagnosed in 2012. CLL Came to Visit Although I am not a shy person, I have been reluctant to post any good news on the two CLL Facebook groups because they only talk about the medical aspects around late stage treatment. The […]
Posted by: Denise on: November 5, 2015
Here is a second post on going wheat-free (and more) by fellow CLL-er, Eric Clark. My First Quarter experience with a Wheat-Less lifestyle In mid-June of this year, 2015, I decided it was time to read Wheat Belly and asked to borrow it from my good friend, John. I convinced myself that buying the book was […]
Posted by: Denise on: October 28, 2015
This is a guest post by Eric Clark, a fellow CLL manager who has graciously offered to write on his like-minded thoughts for this web site: Wheat-Less Wisdom – #1 As Humans – Homo Sapiens – we have evolved uniquely over the past 2.5 million years distinguished initially by our use of fire to cook meat. […]
Posted by: Denise on: August 15, 2015
I’m really big into lists. But sometimes I think it’s best to focus on one good thing at a time. And one good thing you can do for yourself is to alkalize. There is a lot of information out there about what to eat in order to keep your body alkaline and therefore more healthy. […]
Posted by: Denise on: June 11, 2015
First, I have to tell you that I’m normally pretty anti- any kind of conventional cancer or leukemia treatment.  That is, unless there is a proven record of success, measure by CURE!!!  Much of the chemo treatment has abysmal results.  The researchers, and the medical establishment in general, measure the extension of increased lifespan in MONTHS. […]
Posted by: Denise on: June 11, 2015
Question: My White Blood Count (WBC) has never gone done and in fact always been increasing. To me that’s the real indicator. This abnormal and steady increase has crowded my arteries and I have trouble even going for long walks. Specially, where we live there are hills in our neighborhood and it’s a huge battle to […]