Posted by: Denise on: December 16, 2010
Here is the list of what I take and what I do, at this time in my life (it has changed many times) to be well and get well. My goal is, and had been, since July 2005, to become cancer-free. Others have done it and so can I. (By implication, you can too!) There is no one path. Unfortunately, we all have to find our own formula. While that sounds daunting, to me it’s a heck of a lot better than counting on one professional who will give you fifteen minutes of his or her time, each visit. You can give yourself as much time as you need! Be your own health care advocate, and you can spend an hour or more EVERY DAY on yourself. There isn’t a doctor alive — conventional or alternative — who can do that for you. You can only do that for yourself.
Between Meals
(before breakfast, mid-afternoon, before bed)
Immune-Boosting Butter
1tablespoon/day (more if I want an extra immune boost)
Empty capsules into a bowl. Add olive oil, butter and honey. Blend with immersion blender (that’s what I use). Cover and refrigerate.
I use this, as needed for UTIs (urinary tract infections). This has been, quite possibly, a life saver. While I still carry a prescription for antibiotic in my wallet, I rarely, if ever, use it. This deserves a page of its own.
What I DO eat:
It IS hard to eat out, but I manage. I mostly try to limit eating out of the home to two times a week (total, includes lunch AND dinner).
I walk my dogs every day. I exercise for 15 minutes 3X/week on our elliptical trainer. I lift weights 3X/week for my osteoporosis and heart health. I can now run up a flight or two of steps without getting overly winded. Couldn’t do that 10 years ago. It pays to exercise!
My goal is to be in bed by 10pm, and to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. I feel wonderful when I achieve this goal. I’ve read again and again that the sleep before midnight is the best healing sleep. It makes sense. Try this. It is one of the best things you can do for your immune system and your health. It’s free - and you can feel the results literally overnight.
Don’t worry. Be happy. I know they have studies to prove it, but who need studies? We all know we feel like crap when we stress out and worry. Racing pulse. Palpitations. Bile in mouth. How good can that be for you?  The experts tell us to meditate. I’ve tried it, and it always feels weird to me. I prefer writing in my journal or reading something relaxing. Either one gets me away from myself, and helps me to relax and stop stressing.
That’s it for now. I think that you can see that it takes a lot of time, effort, not to mention cash, to take care of yourself. Whatever I’m doing is infinitely less expensive than chemo treatments. None of it has side effects. And I feel great. Please write with any questions.
Due to an unreasonable amount of SPAM, I suggest that you email me at info(at) if you can’t seem to get a comment posted.
Hi I was diagnosed 12 months ago, I am 67. I checked back over the last 10 years of blood tests, the results showed that elevations started 9 years ago. I am mosthy Paleo, trying to cut out dairy, wheat and sugar. We eat organic, and most supplements are the same as you have listed. Doctor has told me not to detox or anything radical, however think that was because I refused flu vaccines and take no medications. Apparently abnormal and extreme at my ages. I have days of total confusion. Try not to stress but it gets to me, energy a little lacking but I could do better, I still work full time. My biggest issue is trying to find what is right for me. The readings go up and down . Dr said this is normal, WBC went back to normal range but Lymphocytes were a little higher.
how do you start trying to work out your own protocol? do i need to get my father to have some tests to check for any deficiencies?
Vitamin D aids the body in absorbing calcium. Calcium is essential for bone strength and density. Having sufficient amounts of this hormone prevents you from suffering from side effects for example depression. Vitamin D pain relieving benefits have also been discovered.
1 | John
June 22, 2017 at 2:17 pm
Hi, I’d like to know why did’t you add to your protocol coral calcium?
Thank you!
June 22, 2017 at 2:42 pm
Hi John,
You have a valid question. I have explored coral calcium. In fact, one of my CLL Success Stories is Steve Freier who healed himself of CLL via dental revision and coral calcium. I did have the dental revision. And I have tried the coral calcium. I didn’t see a huge difference with either. The dental revision was a much bigger deal. My husband and I flew to Houston to have a root canal tooth and two cavitations removed. I still have two remaining cavitations (according to the dentist I visited), but I haven’t returned as yet because I don’t feel it had a big enough impact on my health to warrant the time, the expense, and the ordeal of dental surgery.
But back to coral calcium. I tried it and was underwhelmed with the results. However, I might have been taking it improperly, or taking the wrong product or brand, and I might not have been doing other things properly in order for it to work. I know this all sounds hokey, but there is truth to it. Supplements generally don’t hurt us, so they are worth trying. But sometimes they work slowly, or need other supplements (or lack thereof) in order to work. This is why it is good to occasionally revisit supplements we’ve tried without results. (For example, I’ve tried green tea pills at least twice, and despite the good reports, it doesn’t work for me.)
Do you have a coral calcium success story for us, John? Why do you ask? Please share any information you might have.
All best, Denise